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Lighting up Data Discrepancies with Lightup’s Data Reconciliation

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In today’s modern enterprise where every question is a data question, the precision and reliability of data is non-negotiable. Inaccurate data leads to poor decision-making, decreased productivity, compliance risks, and more…


That’s where Data Reconciliation comes in.


As a critical process in Data Quality Management, Data Reconciliation involves comparing data from disparate sources to ensure accuracy, consistency, and completeness, safeguarding against costly errors and skewed insights.


By comparing data at a row-by-row level, Data Reconciliation identifies inconsistencies between datasets.

How Is Data Reconciliation Used?

The two most common use cases for Data Reconciliation are Cloud migration and data pipeline validation.

How Is Data Reconciliation Used_

Cloud Migration

As companies embark on Cloud migration journeys, uncertainties arise regarding unfamiliar data, its life cycle, and the entire data process. Lightup’s Data Reconciliation instills confidence by revealing disparities between on-premises and Cloud solutions, fostering user trust and facilitating a smooth migration.

Data Pipeline Validation

In the dynamic realm of data movement and transformation, every handover increases the potential for data mutation and deniability of issues. Lightup’s Data Reconciliation empowers engineering teams to showcase proper data migration, highlighting any disparities and ensuring a robust validation process.

How Lightup Performs Data Reconciliation Checks

Lightup’s no-code/low-code Data Reconciliation Checks enable you to compare data row by row from different data sources.


Watch a short demo to see how Reconciliation Checks work in Lightup.

Comparing Key and Target Columns

Specify key and target columns to uniquely identify records and focus on relevant data points for comparison.

Data Reconciliation in Lightup_Source and Target

Extracting Relevant Data

Lightup extracts pertinent data, optimizing the reconciliation process by minimizing data volume.

Comparing Local Data 

Sophisticated algorithms analyze data locally, identifying discrepancies without the need to transfer data between sources.

Unmatched records in Lightup

Discarding Raw Data

Prioritizing security and compliance, Lightup discards raw data post-comparison, mitigating potential risks.

Percentage Matching

Visualizations display the percentage of matching data, enabling quick identification and resolution of discrepancies.

Compare Oracle source data to Databricks in Lightup

Why Use Lightup for Data Reconciliation?

Why Use Lightup for Data Reconciliation


Automate data comparison, saving time and resources, and streamline the reconciliation process.



Enhance data accuracy by comparing data row by row, across different data sources, increasing user adoption and confidence.


Data Security

Discard raw data post-comparison, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access.



Lightup’s user-friendly interface provides clear visualizations, making it easy for users to interpret results and take action.


Improved Decision-making

Reconciled data boosts reliability, leading to better decision-making and insights.



Tailor the reconciliation process to specific business needs, ensuring flexibility and adaptability.

Lightup for Data Reconciliation

Data breaks all the time. Sometimes for no reason. And when data is in motion — moving from different source systems to various destinations — data is especially prone to errors. That’s why Data Reconciliation is a critical process in maintaining high Data Quality.


With Lightup, enterprise teams can perform row-by-row comparisons or Data Reconciliation checks across different data sources — without writing Python scripts or complex coding.


Ultimately, by leveraging Data Reconciliation in Lightup, enterprise organizations can easily understand where data discrepancies exist and prevent them from percolating throughout enterprise data pipelines, mitigating the risks of downstream escalations.


Questions? We’re here to help. Email us at or request a free strategy consultation and demo today.

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